Learning a new type of art 

For a while I’ve been fascinated with the idea of writing code to create artwork. It started when I learned a bit about AI art last summer. I began reading up on AI art and came across Processing. I decided to learn more about Processing and realized that it felt intuitive to work with. So, I’ve been learning how to use it since late last Fall. It’s a software based on the Java language, which I had thought about learning but was intimidated by. I’ve found that Processing includes a lot of examples and libraries, which is wonderful. It’s so engrossing to learn that I haven’t made many art videos! I’ll continue to make art videos, but at a slower rate due to my current focus on Processing. I expect to use Processing to create art videos in the future, so I’m excited about that. Please check back for updates on this new project. If you want to check out the Processing site for yourself, here is the link: https://processing.org/.

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Anthropologist — Photo Essayist, Digital artist focusing on art videos & prints — Multiple disabilities

Articles: 1535