>Real Inventions
>I heard about a site called TED, “Technology, Entertainment, Design”, and I was inspired by the collection of speakers and range of topics there. I went to take a look because I have an interest in fair trade and eliminating…
>I heard about a site called TED, “Technology, Entertainment, Design”, and I was inspired by the collection of speakers and range of topics there. I went to take a look because I have an interest in fair trade and eliminating…
>I am planning to do more traveling in the future and I found this article on Gather.com. Some of the “extremes” in here are quite impressive. A list of places in the US which are “high” or “low” in some…
> I have been wanting to visit Sri Lanka for a while now. I also want to visit India. Hopefully, after I take my travel writing workshop, I’ll be prepared to write about my travels there.
>I will be teaching a tapestry class at a local arts organization this summer. I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve been wanting to teach a class in tapestry weaving for quite a while. I’m also enrolled in a travel…
>I have just added a feed for Rhizome.org to my blog. I am a member of Rhizome.org which is a site for new media artists, curators, critics and enthusiasts. I’m enjoying learning about new media from the resources on the…
>I’ve just added a link to freeform crochet to the links section and to my site at Google. I found this site several years ago when I was looking to start crocheting again after many years of not doing so.…
>I have recently added a feed to Rhizome.org on my website at Google. Rhizome.org is a site for new media artists, curators, critics and enthusiasts. I recently became a member and I’m looking forward to learning more about digital art…
> I found this very beautiful and decided I needed to post it.
> My sister sent me this video and I was so impressed that I asked the creator of the video if I could post this. I got the okay, so here it is. Please enjoy!