Pink lilies

Being a woman and not having a special attachment towards pink lilies is impossible. Pink lilies are the true embodiment of femininity. The flowers symbolize admiration, love and femininity, which are all the traits of women. 

Whenever one thinks about love and compassion, the first thought is primarily of a woman, either it’s the mother, sister, daughter, wife or girlfriend. Women have this unique ability to provide love and affection. In a similar way, pink lilies also have the capability to radiate love in their surroundings. 

In this art piece by Heidi, pink lilies are spreading all their love and beauty for the viewers who need it to the core. A world full of pink lilies would be like a world full of love that everyone can have in abundance.

“Pink lilies” is available for purchase at Ko-fi: Pink liliesIn addition, all of Heidi’s prints can be found for purchase at Ko-fi. Please enjoy!

Pink lilies
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Anthropologist — Photo Essayist, Digital artist focusing on art videos & prints — Multiple disabilities

Articles: 1535