Stripes 1

Abstract art is something that brings different meanings to different people depending on their perception and imagination. Like that, Heidi used the abstract technique to allow the viewers to expand their creativity and interpret the meanings of this video. The video is a part of a triptych called “Stripes.”

While watching the video, you can see triangular patterns filled with stripes. Each figure in the video forms a new design and angles. The astounding color combinations are appealing and provide a calmness to the viewer’s eyes. The most prominent shades in the video are greens and yellows, and these colors merge into each other, which make space for a new color to emerge along with newly formed stripes. Every time you replay the video, you will watch a unique combination of stripes flowing across your screen—expanding your imagination and thoughts.

Stripes 1 is available to for purchase at Ko-fi: Stripes 1. In addition, all of Heidi’s videos can be found for purchase at Ko-fi. Please enjoy!

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Anthropologist — Photo Essayist, Digital artist focusing on art videos & prints — Multiple disabilities

Articles: 1535