Study in color

The name of this art piece itself tells the story of it. Heidi has blended and mixed all the beautiful colors of pink, purple, yellow, and blue to create a piece in which anyone can study a specific color or a combination of colors. Studying a color doesn’t mean you have to be an art student, but anyone who loves and understands how beautiful each color is will understand that every color comes with a story to tell. 

The various shades of pinks and blues mix together, along with yellow and orange in the neon blue base. While the pink strokes seem like some flowers scattered all over the image, giving it an enchanting effect. When scattered and blended, the colors create art that has an exquisite impact on the eyes of the beholder. If you want to study colors too, you can focus on one color every time you look at this piece of art. 

Study in color is available to for purchase at Ko-fi: Study in color. In addition, all of Heidi’s prints can be found for purchase at Ko-fi. Please enjoy!

Study in color
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Anthropologist — Photo Essayist, Digital artist focusing on art videos & prints — Multiple disabilities

Articles: 1535