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Black holes

I have always wondered about the diversity and mysteriousness of space, especially the black holes that are present somewhere out there in the unknown. Among all the stars, planets and galaxies, there is something that is dark and gulps everything…


Human beings have always been fascinated by meteors. Many believed that they were the signs of something good or bad that happened or will happen in the future, while others named the meteor shower after the Greek hero Perseus.  Today,…

Eye of The Storm

We all have watched a storm at least once in our life; it looks good to some, and to others, it is just another name for disaster. That’s what we humans see with our eyes. Have you ever imagined what…

Life is unpredictable

There wouldn’t be a person in this world who could say that life was entirely predictable for him or her, because it isn’t. A moment of happiness can turn into a year of grief in a matter of seconds. This…

Mock orange blossoms

Artwork of white, mock orange blossoms in a vase on a wooden side table

Recently, our beautiful mock orange bush blossomed with beautiful, fragrant, white blossoms. We picked some and put them in a vase. I love mock orange blossoms, so I decided to take a photograph of them and make a digital art…

Dreams of summer

Summer is all about sitting on the patio in your comfy chair and watching the scenes of the outside world. The video shows a patio floating like waves in water, along with a flowerpot and some other plants. The name…

Lazy day

There are days when we do not want to get up and do the usual chores; instead, we look for ease and comfort on days like this. As the name shows, this video by Heidi represents the feelings of a…

Clematis in our backyard

Closeup of deep pink clematis flowers on a trellis with green leaves

The Violet Clematis in our backyard inspired me to take a picture of it. I’m a lover of flowers and it was enjoyable getting a closeup of these beautiful blooms. I later made artwork out of the picture. These are…